Monday, February 6, 2012

Onion crackers

Okay so lets start off first with my thoughts on how some snacks Taste- i get most of these from the Thai store "Lao trading company-" and since I like to try new things I usually have the owner give me suggestions- and here's an example of one of what he said I should try. so here we go!~
These are Onion crackers- they didnt really have a taste- sort of like a blander version of sour cream and onion chips- but totally awesome snacks to add to a lunchbox or if you have the munchies but dont really want anything big- also if you like sour cream and onion chips you'll probably like these.

Kid's Rating?--

needs more flavor- but still good to eat.

So something like that is how this blog will work- we'll add other foods from other places when we try them, and more tasters may join the blog too! So if you're interested- just hit that follow button over there and sit back and enjoy the show~!
Till next time party people!

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