Monday, February 20, 2012

Hanami prawn crackers.

These things..what do I say about these. I had never been a fan of shrimp or prawn, something about the taste and texture I just cant deal with. But I had bought these for my step dad who likes both those things, and being who I am I decided to try them.

They had been sitting unopened for a couple weeks on the counter near the breadbox. I wasnt going to open them they werent mine, so I had to wait. When I went down to get something to eat a little while ago I noticed they were open so I took one and ate it.

And I'd have to say they werent all that bad. They had a definate shrimp taste but it was subdued by this powder that tasted alot like what was put on the rice crackers I enjoy. then once the powder was gone, the shrimp taste came back.

and that was when I proceeded to grab my glass of cola and chug it.

Dont get me wrong- its not as though they didnt taste good. I just dont like shrimp. They were actually better than I thought they'd be. And I hope they get eaten.

Kid's Rating----

They have a definate taste- and for those who like shrimp this would probably be an awesome snack. But I dont like Shrimp, so I think I'll pass.

Thursday, February 9, 2012

Marble pop/Ramune soda

This my friends is called Marble pop soda- what is it? Well its actually the americanized (and much less expensive) version of Ramune soda.

This stuff- Both of which I absolutely adore. It basically tastes like carbonated kool aid but with a little less flavor than kool aid has. But man are they good.

As you can tell by the picture at the top I love my Marble pop- Its already open and I already drank some before taking the picture hahhaa.

alright onto more information about this-

What makes Marble pop/ramune soda interesting to most people are the shapes of the bottles- they're known as "Pig bottles" due to when they're laid on their side they look like the shape of a pig. But the other interesting thing is how you open these.

I mean check this out-

How can this not be fun to do? Its totally fun. The bottle is sealed with a marble stuck in the opening- so to open it- you use the topper to push it into your drink where it rolls around and makes fun noise while you drink or walk or whatever you do with it.

It comes in alot of flavors too- at least the japanese ones do- the american ones only come in four.

Strawberry, blue berry, apple, and original (which tastes like cream soda).

My favorites are strawberry and blueberry. So go drink some!

Kid's rating?---

Its a very easy to find treat. and good to drink. AND it has no caffiene. so thats a major plus.

Bao nhi coconut cookies

These are coconut cookies, I bought them for my mom because she likes coconut- I on the other hand am not a huge fan. I mean they arent as bad as almonds- but they arent my favorite. But either way for the sake of this blog I decided to try them.

And they did surprise me.

when I pulled one out it was the shape of a hersheys kiss- except one covered in breadcrumbs...So- deciding to just leap into this whole thing I popped the entire thing into my mouth- It was crunchy- I like crunchy- then we hit the coconut part- and I was close to spitting it out- too much coconut!


It was like someone basically took coconut either shavings or just a piece of it- got it wet then covered it in panko bread crumbs-

the crumbs I liked- the coconut?

not so much.

but hey- dont let that discourage you- if you like coconut this would be an excellent treat for you- just... not for me.

Kid's Rating?---

I didnt like them myself- but Im positive a coconut lover will Adore them.

Monday, February 6, 2012

Onion crackers

Okay so lets start off first with my thoughts on how some snacks Taste- i get most of these from the Thai store "Lao trading company-" and since I like to try new things I usually have the owner give me suggestions- and here's an example of one of what he said I should try. so here we go!~
These are Onion crackers- they didnt really have a taste- sort of like a blander version of sour cream and onion chips- but totally awesome snacks to add to a lunchbox or if you have the munchies but dont really want anything big- also if you like sour cream and onion chips you'll probably like these.

Kid's Rating?--

needs more flavor- but still good to eat.

So something like that is how this blog will work- we'll add other foods from other places when we try them, and more tasters may join the blog too! So if you're interested- just hit that follow button over there and sit back and enjoy the show~!
Till next time party people!

Biscuit stick


These are certainly different- on the bag they say they're a type of biscuit stick but since I cant read the other writing i had no idea what KIND. So I opened it and ate some of one- and man was I surprised-!! they were spicy! Im not sure how to explain the flavor- but they are still very good... they have this sort of sweet spicy thing going on and the flavors blend very well.

Kid's rating?----
They're really good- and probably a perfect prank to use on an unsuspecting friend. a great snack and a good munchie.

Waffle cone things (I dont know what they are =3)


These may look like delicious waffle cones- but I assure you they are not. they dont taste like waffle cones. These were also in an unmarked bag and made by the owners mother. They're very good but they have a strange taste. sort of a waffley syrupy kind of taste with something else thrown in there that sort of throws the taste off. but in a good way. Im not really sure how to explain these- but despite this they are still pretty good.

Kid's rating?---
They're interestingly good- but the rice cake things are better =3 I'll still buy these though and eat them because I like them.

Rice cakes


Im not entirely sure what these are to tell you the truth- they came in an unmarked bag (besides the price) and were apparently made by the owner of the stores mother. They seem like they're rice krispies (or fried rice?) with a type of caramel over them. and they are DELICIOUS. I love munching on these and Im probably gonna make sure I always have some somehow. Thats how good they are. The Rice itself seems to have some sugar on it or something so even parts without the caramel taste good- but when you find some of the topping it becomes heaven in your mouth- its hard to explain it but it makes me wonder how delicious it would be with though it were cereal. I may have to try it. If I do I will let you know how it turns out.

Kid's rating?-----
Omg these now!


Roll biscuits with durian Crisps

These are roll biscuits with Durian crisps. And I'll admit Im a bit nervous to eat these- I've watched Bizzare foods with Andrew Zimmern and i KNOW he does NOT like durian- but at the moment my main problem is even getting the container open in the first place- they used CLEAR tape on a CLEAR container... so im having issues- give me a sec.


now lets try one 0_o...

I found a durian crisp (im guessing) and tried that it tasted sort of like an almond.. and i dont really like almonds so.. lets try an actual biscuit...

lol if i can even get one out- they're packed in pretty tight...

there we go got one out of the middle XD after breaking a couple to do it- they fall apart pretty easily..

when you have everything together the flavor isnt bad- but once you hit those pieces of Durian it makes the flavor go off in a whole new direction- Sort of like if you're going down a smooth street- then something blocks your path and makes you turn and instead of the smooth sunny street you were on- you find yourself in a dark haunted forest.

Kid's rating? ------

Ehhh leave these on the shelf... they arent horrible if you can avoid the durian (unless you LIKE durian) but trying to avoid them is near impossible so its better you just dont grab these.
