Wednesday, June 4, 2014


This was written by guest Author Nolliemai

Well here's my first post about foodz

These are a snack called 'Dunkaroos' and are from good old America~!
We have some dunking snacks here in England like these but the only one's i've had are cheese with salt and vinegar crisps to dip in. Maybe some more out there I don't know myself.
I'm going off memory here because I pretty much devoured them in a second They have a cinnamon biscuit which you dip into creamy icing. Now I'm not a big fan of cinnamon but this i liked. I dunno if it was the creamy icing bringing down the cinnamon a little so it was edible for me or what, but I do know they where gone pretty quickly.

I would give these a 7 out of 10 :) They would of got higher if the packets were bigger. But that's just me being a pig a suppose :D I can imagine if I knew of these as a kid I wouldn't of been so put off of cinnamon!

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