Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Aero Chocolate- Orange flavor

Hey there! Its been awhile! I have been BUSY! anyway I am here today with something Interesting- An orange flavor of chocolate straight from england

Yes thats me holding it- thank you skype! My camera is currently out of order so I used the person who sent it to me. hahaha..while skyping with her I had her take a photo.


Onto the review thingy..

Welllll, when you look at this thing you're probably expecting an intense flavor of orangeness right?

yea you dont get it...really the orange is very subtle and though there in the beginning it fades fast... however this isnt to say that its not delicious. Its very good... but as for taste..its more of a meh...

sort of anti climatic really.

But I'll still eat it! Omnomnomnomnom!!

Kid's Rating---

Its not horrible, it has a nice taste- but it doesnt deliver the flavor like you expect it to. Pick it up to nom on... but prepare for dissapointment.

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