Tuesday, August 5, 2014

Strawberry rice cakes~

Oh man I love these things..seriously...
However its such a hard taste to explain- your first bite is sooo soft and interesting... The strawberry flavor isnt too overpowering... its like the perfect mix of everything...

My friend Jonathan who tried them with me mentioned "This is how marshmallows should be"

And I agreed with him..and then replied "It's like you're eating silk...but in a good way"

He agreed with that...then we ate more...

I had to stop both of us from eating all of them..I spent $6 on the container XD dont wanna eat them all at once!

Now I just have to figure out how to make them myself!

Kid's rating!----

-Sooo good! Like eating silk! Bet they'd be awesome with milk!

Monday, August 4, 2014

Kasugai- Grape candy thing

I honestly have no idea what this actually is...(as I cant read the writing on it)...but when I was buying some snacks to try I had the option of choosing two small candies to make my price an even $19 So I was like sure!

And perused the selection a bit- I like grape candy...and that package clearly has grapes on it! so I was like this one! ...and I chose one other one. (but thats another post) And as you can see in the picture I had it in my mouth already as that package is open..

Well it was grape...no doubt about that! but it was also...Minty... and it was interesting?

I had never had mint grape before...and so Im not entirely sure what to think of it to be honest...I dont hate it... but I dont see this as something I'd eat like...lets say skittles... you know those types that are MEANT for you to shove a handful into your gullet. This one...I think would end up with mint overload...

Also without thinking I learned a valuable life lesson... Mint grape and Dr. pepper... do not match!

Kid's Rating-----------

Definately not horrible...but if you arent a fan of mint/grape..or even if you dont like grape at all- this candy is NOT for you- as there is ample amounts of both in this little thing.

Wednesday, June 4, 2014


This was written by guest Author Nolliemai

Well here's my first post about foodz

These are a snack called 'Dunkaroos' and are from good old America~!
We have some dunking snacks here in England like these but the only one's i've had are cheese with salt and vinegar crisps to dip in. Maybe some more out there I don't know myself.
I'm going off memory here because I pretty much devoured them in a second They have a cinnamon biscuit which you dip into creamy icing. Now I'm not a big fan of cinnamon but this i liked. I dunno if it was the creamy icing bringing down the cinnamon a little so it was edible for me or what, but I do know they where gone pretty quickly.

I would give these a 7 out of 10 :) They would of got higher if the packets were bigger. But that's just me being a pig a suppose :D I can imagine if I knew of these as a kid I wouldn't of been so put off of cinnamon!