Monday, February 6, 2012

Roll biscuits with durian Crisps

These are roll biscuits with Durian crisps. And I'll admit Im a bit nervous to eat these- I've watched Bizzare foods with Andrew Zimmern and i KNOW he does NOT like durian- but at the moment my main problem is even getting the container open in the first place- they used CLEAR tape on a CLEAR container... so im having issues- give me a sec.


now lets try one 0_o...

I found a durian crisp (im guessing) and tried that it tasted sort of like an almond.. and i dont really like almonds so.. lets try an actual biscuit...

lol if i can even get one out- they're packed in pretty tight...

there we go got one out of the middle XD after breaking a couple to do it- they fall apart pretty easily..

when you have everything together the flavor isnt bad- but once you hit those pieces of Durian it makes the flavor go off in a whole new direction- Sort of like if you're going down a smooth street- then something blocks your path and makes you turn and instead of the smooth sunny street you were on- you find yourself in a dark haunted forest.

Kid's rating? ------

Ehhh leave these on the shelf... they arent horrible if you can avoid the durian (unless you LIKE durian) but trying to avoid them is near impossible so its better you just dont grab these.


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